
What I can do for you

Next.js Development

Next.js is my main stack. I offer Drop-in Next.js Services

What can you do for my Next.js Codebase?

Fix nasty bugs, refactor your code or update to Next.js 13. With my backend skills, I can also assist you in DevOps questions as well as architectural or logic related challenges.

Get started

Visit the website of Next Dev Agency and get started for as low as 250$!

Everything web

IT guys are expected to do anything tech related - from coding websites, to troubleshooting shutdown issues, up to fixing the damn printer. We are problem solvers by heart, and over the years I gained valuable knowledge in everything web related: Domains, Emails, Deployment, Databases, Git, DevOps, AWS, PWAs, a bit of Wordpress.

Get started

Contact me any time to find out how I can help you!

Usability Consulting

I studied Human-Computer-Interaction at the University of Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany. The degree program taught me to recognize, evaluate and strive for the usability of software.

What is usability?

Broadly spoken, usability is the ease-of-use you feel when using a specific software. A good usability is key to a enjoyable user experience (UX).

My qualification

For further information about my qualification, check my portfolio or check my CV below.